"I certainly never write a review about a book I don't think worth reviewing, a flat-out bad book, unless it's an enormously fashionable bad book." --
says, John Gardner in Conversations with John Gardner
Quoted from 'Dictionary of Library and Information Science Quotations'     Edited by Mohamed Taher & L S Ramaiah. ISBN: 8185689423 (New Delhi , Aditya, 1994) p.150. Available @ Amazon.com

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Blogger Interface Upgraded -- The Good News and the Not So Good News

  • Good NEWS: My Blogger Tricks:
    All BlogSpot blogs will be automatically upgraded to the new blogger look so that it may blend other Google Products. With the introduction of Google Plus , developers at Google have given the same design and look to every Google service to keep things simple. The current interface at draft.blogger.com will now be officially launched at Blogger.com from First April 2012 onwards. This upgraded interface has many new features and is a lot faster. All your favorite blogging actions now have several shortcuts thus making your blogging experience even more worthwhile. We will also learn how to turn back to old blogger look or switching back to old user interface. Lets have a quick look at some of the important changes. Continue reading

  • Not So Good NEWS: Dave Lucas: New Blogger Interface Problems
    I woke up this morning with that new sluggish blogger interface shoved down my throat!
    Well, I thought, if I could find a way to zap facebook's timeline... I could handle this!
    UPDATE (10:30pm) The alleged "upgrade" has also crippled blogger's ability to read and publish posts that are "scheduled" - such posts must now be published manually.
    I prefer the old, more compact, version of blogger's interface: here's why:
    The opening interface looked like it was "buffering" the way a music video does on dialup. Hey, I'm on BroadBand!
    It took much longer than usual than upload a post.
    Trying to get an image up was a real bitch. The pictures just wouldn't stay centered as programmed.
    The new interface seems to hate it when you're editing the template HTML.
    And to add insult to injury, anyone doing blogger work on an iPad is SOL! (Continue reading)

    What others say:
  • The Thinking Mother: New Blogger Formatting Problems: Sorry
  • The Real Blogger Status: Better Get Into The New Blogger GUI Soon ...
    The New Blogger GUI (2011) was pushed out, during the past week, to a number of blog owners - and the complaints are showing up in Blogger Help Forum: Something Is Broken. Some are polite.

    Please, Blogger - allow us the option of staying with the old format.

    and some less polite

    Are you listening Google? Your new interface SUCKS!

    Only one thing is obvious - many people, suddenly finding themselves using the New GUI, do not like the New GUI.
  • www.allblogtools.com Three Issues/Problems With new Blogger Read_Me / Jump_Breaks And How-To-Fix-It
  • Dreamz~n~Wishz: New Blogger Problems
    Anybody else having trouble navigating this new blogger? They auto switched me over today and I can't seem to find my way around very easily. And I can't add to my blog list on my page. And I have no little pencil icon to click on to make edits. I think they are in the process of working out bugs...but I was doing just fine with things the way they were and I don't like change when "it wasn't broke for me...so please don't fix it". Grrrrr.... And on top of that today is Picnik's last day. So sad. Adjustments and adapting, Lisa...you can do it. Sigh.
  • Orange Crate Art: The new Blogger interface, unliked
  • productforums.google.com: I'm getting an error message when I try to embed a custom template ...
  • Continued problem with Blogger Server - Women's League for ...
  • Blogger Interfaces Compared @ Digital Waffle: The Ultimate Tech Blog for Everything Tech

  • Vertical pictures turned horizontal - solution How to revert custom domain back to blogspot @ the original Blogger Tips and Tricks
  • Bloggerati: How to install a new blogger template.
  • Defence and Freedom: The new Blogger interface sucks
  • Blogger New Interface Layout @ Simple Blogger Tips - Simple Blogging Tips, Tutorials, Hacks, Guides, Help and More! Only for Blogspot Bloggers!
  • Post a video in the "updated blogger?" The icon is not available ... www.google.com › Help forum › Blogger › How Do I?
  • [Pro] Blogger template problem @ FreewayTalk
  • Updated tabs of new blogger platform | Techblaster.NET
  • Monday, April 09, 2012

    Revisiting the gap between intention, action and the results in relationships

    "Action is based on Intention." Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), Hadith An-Nawawi, Number 1

    Herein questions are many, including:
    One Wants To Say ‘Love’ When in actually Means ‘Sex’? Or
    One simply means to say I have a friend who is not a friend-indeed!!!
    Is feminism, in the West (e.g., the US), same-as, feminism in the east (e.g., India)?
    Socio-psychologically speaking, is dating considered the same, in the East (India for instance) as against the West (America for instance)?

    In short, is it all about intentions, actions and the resultants? Are these role models imported, more so, from Bollywood (a.k.a. West) and Hollywood (a.k.a. East), just to compare and see the meeting or diverting trends!!! Or is it an extended social nexus, which is more cultural, spiritual and historical? What do you say???

    Reading now:

  • 'A Man. A Woman. Just Friends?' by William Deresiewicz, NYTimes.com
    I cannot think of another area of our lives in which there is so great a gap between what we do and what our culture says we do. But may be things are beginning to change. Younger people, having grown up with the gay-rights movement and in many cases gone to colleges with co-ed dormitories, are open to a wider range of emotional possibility.

    Friendship between the sexes may no longer be a political issue, but it is an issue of liberation: the freedom to love whom you want, in the way that you want. Maybe it’s time that we all took it out of the closet. Continue reading

  • Love and sex in India: Why some Indian men can't take a hint, Courting or harassment: What happens when Western women mix with the locals? by Hanna Ingber, GlobalPost
    Australian journalist Virginia Moncrieff, who has worked across Asia, Africa and the Middle East, remembers being in India and having a long chat with a university student. She gave him her phone number, and he proceeded to call and text countless times a day.

    “I still can't figure out why, when I was so obviously displeased and bothered by the endless, endless calls that my new ‘friend’ just could not, and would not, stop contacting me,” she wrote in an email.

    According to cross-culture and gender specialists, this behavior in "new India" is a result of shifting social norms, a low level of interaction between opposite sexes, influences of pop culture and differing interpretations of power dynamics between men and women.

    As Mumbai changes and modernizes, there is confusion over what type of behavior is acceptable in personal as well as work environments, says Jerry Pinto, author of "Surviving Women," a manual of gender politics in India. Continue reading

  • Real life couples don't sizzle onscreen ...
    In more than a few instances in the past, Bollywood stars who have become increasingly public about their love life have disheartened viewers (and directors) with their lack of comfort and uneasiness when it comes to portraying love scenes onscreen...

    Though Hindi films are no longer shy of intimacy, many Bollywood actors, especially those who are real-life couples, continue to look uncomfortable with such scenes. continue reading

    On the same shelf:
  • Love in the Time of Globalization: Indian and American National Identity in Romance Cinema
  • Modesty in a Culture of Immodesty: Does it have a place?
  • Concealing to Reveal: Modesty in Pope John Paul II’s Theology of the Body
  • Physical, Emotional & Verbal Immodesty | The Rock of Roseville
  • She’s my girl ‘friend’ not my ‘girlfriend’
  • What is Infidelity? By Nisha JamVwal
  • Closing the Gap Between Intention and Action
  • Feminism in India - Indian Feminism and Sexuality - Bride Burning ...
  • Badass Muslim Girl - Bollywood used to be all about the modesty
  • American Indian leader objects to vulgarity in Bollywood | The Global Indian®
  • Love & Responsibility in Sydney: March 2012
  • Do You Want To Say ‘Love’ When You Mean ‘Sex’?
  • The Case Against – The Boyfriend-Girlfriend Culture
  • The Big Question: Are women to blame for rape? - Yahoo! News India
  • BOLLYWOOD HEROINES - Mix Articles/pix - Asian Outlook
  • Ellie’s advice: Wife is overreacting to husband’s trips to strip clubs
  • Modesty of dress and Indian culture « kracktivist
  • He's a Stud, She's a Slut, and 49 Other Double Standards Every Woman Should Know, by Jessica Valenti
  • Veil: Modesty, Privacy and Resistance (Dress, Body, Culture), Fadwa El Guindi
  • Sexuality, Obscenity, And Community: Women, Muslims, and the Hindu Public in Colonial India, by Charu Gupta
  • Wanted Cultured Ladies Only!: Female Stardom and Cinema in India, 1930s-1950s, by Neepa Majumdar
  • Queering India: Same-Sex Love and Eroticism in Indian Culture and Society by Ruth Vanita
  • Films and Feminism: Essays in Indian Cinema, by Jasbir Jain
  • Marrying Anita: A Quest for Love in the New India, by Anita Jain
  • Surviving Women: a manual of gender politics in India, by Jerry Pinto
  • Impact of Bollywood on society @ much ado abt nothing
  • Impact of Bollywood on society @ Sitagita.com
  • The Impact of Bollywood: An Overview, Darshana A, Yahoo! Contributor Network