"I certainly never write a review about a book I don't think worth reviewing, a flat-out bad book, unless it's an enormously fashionable bad book." --
says, John Gardner in Conversations with John Gardner
Quoted from 'Dictionary of Library and Information Science Quotations'     Edited by Mohamed Taher & L S Ramaiah. ISBN: 8185689423 (New Delhi , Aditya, 1994) p.150. Available @ Amazon.com

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Federated Search - What's in a name?

Amazon.com Widgets

'Federated search' is also known as, meta-search, cross-search, combined-search, integrated search and aggregated-search. First, it is about simultaneously searching, with one-click, in several electronic sources. Second, it is about getting all the search results displayed in a single browser.

But then, some tend to use the term, Federated search, for searching OPAC / Union Catalogs / serial holdings, see: 360 Search service and R-search; and some extend to searching Websites (not just the surface web, they attempt to reach the deep web), see: here and here -- the latter refers to an example of Dogpile, as an aggregator (see much more on meta-search in relation to Search Engines, yahoo, google, bing, etc.).

On the same shelf:

  • Federated Search - Reading now
  • Thursday, October 08, 2009

    Why user reviews are worthless: Customer Reviews!!!

    PS. This is not a review from my desktop.
    By Christopher Null

    Why user reviews are worthless - Computers - Yahoo! Canada Tech

    Say you are in the market for a new frying pan. How do you go about figuring out which one to buy?

    If you're like many shoppers, you probably log on to Amazon.com or another shopping site, poke around to find the size you want and something that's in your price range, but still find yourself faced with a choice of maybe a dozen potential options. How do you pick from that point? If you don't go with the cheapest of the lot, chances are you'll buy one based on which has the best rating as provided by prior purchasers of the item."...

    "Bottom line: Merchants may try to temper this stuff, but as a consumer, you need to keep your expectations in check, too.

    For more on this topic, I invite you to check out my book on film criticism, which has several pages devoted to grade inflation. I'm happy to report it has a perfect five-star rating on Amazon.com, so you know it's good. continue reading

    On the same shelf:
  • Citation links @ Amazon by Dr. Mohamed Taher