"I certainly never write a review about a book I don't think worth reviewing, a flat-out bad book, unless it's an enormously fashionable bad book." --
says, John Gardner in Conversations with John Gardner
Quoted from 'Dictionary of Library and Information Science Quotations'     Edited by Mohamed Taher & L S Ramaiah. ISBN: 8185689423 (New Delhi , Aditya, 1994) p.150. Available @ Amazon.com

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Improve Your Amazon.com Picks

Books, media, and whatever you buy can be improved. Advice for you, if you care:

Improve Your Amazon.com Picks

Rate items you like
Sure, it feels good to trash a book you hated, but telling Amazon what you enjoyed will generate better recommendations - and the more, the better. On hold with the cable company? Rate a few items. On a conference call? Rate a few more.

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Continue reading and be wise

Friday, August 18, 2006

Technology Reviews on the Web - Pick of the month

Technology review: ANGEL(TM) courseware by Angel Learning
Community College Enterprise, The, Spring 2005 by Harris, Mark

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Idea Group Inc. News - Just F.Y.I.

From "Idea Group Books"

August Idea Group Inc. Monthly Newsletter

We are pleased to send you the August 2006 issue of the IGI monthly newsletter to
keep you up-to-date with IGI’s new releases and issues in information technology
utilization and management in organizations.

This newsletter is now online as a PDF with cover images and more. Please visit Web site:

***Special Focus: New Electronic Resources
***New Releases
***IGI News: New Director of Marketing
***Reaching Across the Digital Divide: An Interview With Laurel Evelyn Dyson
***Unique Upcoming Titles

Flexible Learning in an Information Society
Badrul H. Khan, George Washington University, USA
ISBN: 1-59904-325-4, US$89.95 h/c
ISBN: 1-59904-326-2, US$74.95 s/c
eISBN: 1-59904-327-0
Pages: 353
For more information on this publication:

***IGI News: New Director of Marketing
Idea Group Inc. announces the appointment of Henry Secor as its director of marketing.

***Reaching Across the Digital Divide: An Interview With Laurel Evelyn Dyson
In modern societies, people are used to being bombarded with information technology everywhere they go. Technologies once thought impossible are now considered essential.

Many societies have accepted information technology as the way the world is going.
However, some cultures, especially those regarded as Indigenous, have other reasons
for resisting or accepting information technology. Indigenous people are cultural
groups who have lived in a particular area before colonization and have maintained
their culture and language.

For more about Information Technology and Indigenous People, visit the book’s Web site

Information Technology and Indigenous People
ISBN: 1-59904-298-3; US$89.95
ISBN: 1-59904-299-1; US$74.95
eISBN: 1-59904-300-9; US$59.96 (IGI Web site only)
Pages: 347

NB: In case you are a scholar, author, writer, reviewer, and interested in any books listed in the Idea Group Web site, you may write to me and I will arrange for a review copy. Introduce yourself and send me your mailing address. Best Wishes, Book Review Editor, Info Resources Management J